Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reduce Back Pain at Your Desk

How many of you have jobs that confine you to a desk or just a chair for hours at a time? In today's society, the majority of us do. What does this mean for your back and what can you do combat this?

First, there are numerous studies that show being sedentary is not good for overall health, not just your back. But there is little in the way to link prolonged sitting to back pain. However, most people that sit for long periods can tell you that at one time or another they have experienced low back pain and even mid back or neck pain.

One of the negative results of sitting for a prolonged time is that it places the spine in a flexed (bent forward) position. This can cause your back muscles to work less efficiently thus increasing the risk of injury.

So what are some measures you can take to avoid back pain with sitting?

Be ergonomically correct.
1. Make sure your lower back (lumbar spine) is curved naturally forward (as opposed to slumped outwards). This is so important because it reduces the strain on your back. Many ergonomically-designed chairs have a “lumbar support” built into them that is designed to maintain the curve.  If yours doesn’t, you can buy a lumbar support pillow to stick behind your back.  If you can’t do that, it is best to sit forward in your chair so you can let your spine fall naturally into a forward curve.
2. Adjust your chair and desk heights. Your desk height should allow your forearms to rest comfortably at a 90-degree angle. Your wrists should not be higher than your elbows. The top of your computer screen should also be at or slightly below eye level.
3. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back against the chair. Shoulders must be relaxed and be careful not to hunch them up.

Stretch your back.  Get up and stretch every 30 to 60 minutes. Sitting for long periods puts pressure on discs and can weaken your muscles supporting your back.
“Walking around for a few seconds and doing a few standing back bends (provided this does not cause pain) is enough to offset the negative effects of sitting,” Murphy said.
Stand up and place your hands on your lower back. Gently push your hips forward and slightly arch your back. This takes the pressure of the discs. If you have some privacy, get down on the floor and do the yoga position called “the cobra,” in which you lie on your stomach and press up with your arms leaving your hips on the floor. Studies have shown that doing the cobra 15 times per day can lessen the likelihood of future back pain, Murphy added.

Take regular breaks and microbreaks. Just getting up out of your chair can help break the cycle of clenched muscles.
Drop your hands to your lap for one second or less every few minutes or raise and drop your shoulders. You can make a rule to do this every time you send an email, click the mouse or do some other regular task, or install break reminders on the computer to stretch.

Strengthen your 'core.' To help your body cope with sitting, do core exercises like Pilates to strengthen your core muscles. Core exercises can train your muscles to work more efficiently, countering the negative effects of sitting. Aside from doing back specific exercises, simply getting regular aerobic exercise will help ward off back pain.

If pain continues to be a problem check with your chiropractor to make sure there is not an underlying condition. Remember, pain is not normal and is not a way of life. Stay active. Stay healthy. Live life.